Other than your preferred sight, no attachments are really needed other than a muzzle attachment for the M12, if you choose to use it. The Spas-15 Shotgun – this is what you want to be using if you’re going for interrogations – it has a tendency to down enemies rather than kill them, just like her Luison, and its high fire-rate can let it sweep a room pretty easily. If you’re going for kills and not aiming for interrogations, use this gun, since it doesn’t down enemies nearly as often as her other two weapons – and it can get long-range 1 taps, if you aim carefully. The M12 SMG – it’s just about on-par with the FBI’s UMP – fires more slowly than most others but hits harder too. It’s impossible to kill someone while using the pistol unless they’re downed, or have been downed once before. It has very high damage up close, but it drops off a fair bit at range.
The Luison – Cav’s pistol is more of a primary than her actual primaries. I would personally suggest not buying Caveira until you’re very familiar with all of the maps currently in the game. Map knowledge is essential. If you don’t have knowledge of the map, know where all the stairs and hatches are, and know how to flank, then you’re at an extreme disadvantage. Note that this is more of a tips & tricks album than a real guide, but I try to cover everything I can think of.
The way I play Caveira mostly relies on hiding and ambushing, so that’s what I’ll primarily be covering in this guide, however many of these tips can be applied to any way she can be played.
She could pop up here and there, constantly keeping the attackers on edge and forcing them to hunt her down, or she could lie in wait for the perfect opportunity to flank them. She can suddenly appear and decimate an entire team – or she can be droned out and mowed down as she tries to change positions. Rainbow Six Siege Caveira Guide by Toch_LighteĬaveira is a difficult operator, both to play as and against.